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Third Eye Chakra Symbol


The Ajna chakra is located at the forehead and is often referred to as the Third eye. In Sanskrit “Ajna” means “command” and “perceiving”.

The Third Eye chakra resonates with intuition, insight, and psychic vision.

The third eye chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral characteristics:

· Vision

· Intuition

· Perception of subtle dimensions and movements of energy

· Psychic abilities related to clairvoyance and clairaudience especially

· Access to mystical states, illumination

· Connection to wisdom, insight

· Motivates inspiration and creativity

Function: Link to the higher consciousness.

Basic right: To perceive

Basic need: Connection with higher self

Related Organs: The pituitary gland (the master gland), the pineal gland, hormones, eyes, and brain.

Color: Indigo (deep blue), or violet-purple

Sound: AUM

Musical note: A

Frequency: 426.7 Hz

Element: All

Energy: Insight, Wisdom

Animal: Garuda Eagle (Hindu), Peacock, Dolphin, Butterfly, Indigo Bunting, Cobra.

Ajna is the chakra of the spirt. It is through this chakra that one will communicate with his/her “higher self”. It is the center of spirituality.

This chakra also allows us to plan and organize. It will enable us to anticipate what can happen in life. It is in this chakra that one gathers all his personal energy before uniting it with the universe through the 7th chakra.

In yogic metaphysics, Ajna chakra is the center where we transcend duality – the duality of a personal “I” separate from the rest of the world, of a personality that exists independently from everything else.

As Harish Johari says, “a yogi who has passed through the Vishuddha Chakra at the throat to the Ajna Chakra transcends the five elements and becomes freed (mukta) from the bondage of time-bound consciousness. This is where the I-consciousness is absorbed into super-consciousness.” (Harish Johari: Chakras: Energy Centers of Transformation).

The Third eye chakra is associated to the pineal gland in charge of regulating biorhythms, including sleep and wake time. It’s a gland located in the brain that is a center of attention because of its relationship with the perception and effect of light and altered or “mystical” states of consciousness. It’s positioned close to the optical nerves, and as such, sensitive to visual stimulations and changes in lighting.

The third eye chakra is an instrument to perceive the subtler qualities of reality. It goes beyond the physical senses into the realm of subtle energies.

Awakening your third eye allows you to open to an intuitive sensibility and inner perception.

Because it connects us with a different way of seeing and perceiving, the third eye chakra’s images are often hard to describe verbally. It puts us in touch with the ineffable and the intangible more closely. Third eye visions are also often more subtle than regular visions: They may appear a bit “blurry”, ghost-like, cloudy, or dream-like. Sometimes however, the inner visions might be clear like a movie playing in front of your eyes.

Sustaining awareness of third eye chakra energy might require focus and the ability to relax into a different way of seeing. When we focus our mind and consciousness, we can see beyond the distractions and illusions that stand before us and have more insight to live and create more deeply aligned with our highest good.

Finally, the third eye chakra is associated with the archetypal dimensions, as well as the realm of spirits.

Third Eye Chakra Symbol

Third Eye Chakra Symbol

A indigo 2 petals lotus in which is inscribed a downward-pointing triangle.

Like the root and throat chakra symbols, the Third Eye symbol’s upside-down triangle serves a dual purpose in its symbolism. The cone-shaped geometric figure is representative of the channeling of information to the seed (or point of the triangle) from which wisdom blossoms. Similarly, if you look at the triangle from the other direction, the widening sides are indicative of the growth of one’s wisdom that leads to enlightenment.


Third Eye Chakra Mantra

  • I see clearly

  • I am insightful

  • I trust my intuition

  • I am inspired

  • I am imaginative

  • I am calm and clear

  • I seek wisdom and guidance in all situations

  • I tap into my inner wisdom

  • I see beyond the illusions

  • My psychic senses are awakening

  • I live in the light of my truth

  • My mind is clear and focused

  • My dreams and visions guide me

  • I trust that life is unfolding exactly as it should

  • I embrace my inner knowing to awaken my psychic potential

  • I align my consciousness with the source of al life

Third Eye Chakra Mantra
  • I am connected to my higher self

  • I am a powerful co-creator with god/source/universe

  • I am a spiritual being having a human experience

  • I am tuned into to Divine wisdom

  • I am open to connecting to the universal truth that is within me

Symptoms when the Third Eye chakra is in balance

When the sixth chakra is open and vibrating, you will have an ability to “see” or understand what is going on in any set of circumstances very quickly. Blessed with insight, intuition, you will know what to do or not to in almost any situation. You will exhibit wisdom, a quality beyond intellect, knowledge, or experience. You will have vision, the ability to imagine how the future could be, and thereby gain considerable influence over how the future turns out. You will consistently be able to create the results that you vividly imagine.

Despite this, you may not be particularly goal-oriented, in the usual way that people set goals and then rely upon their willpower to achieve success. Instead, you will operate with faith in your higher self and in God that the universe is a place of abundance, and if you are doing your life’s work, you will be supported along the way.

Your life tends to be filled with amazement, astonishment, surprise, and delight, as what the universe presents to you is beyond anything your ego could have worked to create with willpower.

You may have regular mystical/religious experiences, for example, satori or samadhi, that go beyond rational description, and you may be blessed with various forms of extra sensory perception or other special powers.

You are the beneficiary of what we call the positive time paradox. Living in the now moment, you move slowly, yet time seems to fly by because you so thoroughly enjoy almost everything you do. You seem to have plenty of time to get everything done.

The pituitary gland regulates several critical hormones including growth hormone, estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, oxytocin, and testosterone. If this chakra is open, you may find that you age gracefully and perhaps more slowly than others your same age, and that you maintain a high level of libido and sexual stamina. The pineal gland primarily regulates the sleep cycle. If this chakra is open, you will be able to sleep well and awaken fully rested.


Symptoms when the Third Eye chakra is out of balance

When the sixth chakra is blocked or closed, you will place great importance upon education, acquired knowledge, experiences and the intellect.

You will rely upon your willpower to get what you want. You will feel reluctant to rely upon others, preferring to do everything for yourself. You may have a strong sense that only you can do it well enough or right.

You may have trouble even saying the word “God,” let alone to rely in faith that what you need will come to you in some mysterious way. You may not believe in mystique experiences as they can’t be proven scientifically.

You may be strongly goal-oriented, creating a clear image in your mind of what you want to achieve, and then systematically plotting a course to achieve the success you want. You may indeed be highly successful at getting results, which confirms that what you are doing works. Your life has few surprises and little mystery. You are extremely skeptical of those claiming to have mystical experiences, and probably vigorously deny the existence of any form of extra sensory perception.

You are the victim of what we call the negative time paradox. Most of the time, you are busy doing, and the very idea of just being seems like a boring waste of time. You may tend to be a hyperactive workaholic. You hurry, but time seems to go too slowly, in the sense that you are always eager for some future result you are pursuing, and easily become impatient with the steps needed to get you there. Paradoxically, at the same time you never seem to have enough time to get everything done.

You may find that you age prematurely compared with others your same age. People might say that age was not kind to you.

You may experience little interest in sexuality, instead channeling your energies elsewhere, for example into your work, as a diversion. You may regularly have trouble sleeping or find that your sleep is easily interfered with, and that jet lag is severe when you travel.

Symptoms of excessive energy in the Third Eye chakra:

You tend to carry a sense of paranoia about what your gut tells you or overanalyze ordinary experiences. You are overly logical or overly emotional. You become absorbed by the details but struggle to see the “bigger picture”. You’re often lost in your thoughts. You habitually escape into daydreaming to avoid reality. You are egotistically attached to special “powers” (ability to see visions, clairsentience, etc.). You are emotionally reactive and get upset easily. You are stubborn and find it hard to be open-minded. You have a dense and heavy ego. You’re firmly attached to outcomes.

Symptoms of deficient energy in the Third Eye chakra:

You feel stuck in your life and lack clarity to move forward. You are dogmatic in your beliefs, daily routine, and how you view others. You have vivid dreams, nightmares, and heightened skepticism. You rarely feel creative or inspired by anything. You are not listening to your intuition. You’re addicted to external things which you believe will make you happy (relationships, food, sex, money, status, shopping, etc.). You struggle to see reality clearly. You can’t seem to connect to your deeper self or Soul. Your interactions with other people are very trivial or superficial, in the extreme, you mistrust or dislike people. You might be perceived as being dreamy and ungrounded. You lack focus and decisiveness.


Gems & mineral: Azurite, lapis lazuli, blue aventurine, tanzanite, sodalite, labradorite.


Herbs: Eyebright, juniper, mugwort, poppy, mandrake root, blue lotus, cypress.


Essential oil: Mugwort, blue lotus, juniper, cypress, yarrow, opoponax.

Below are some of the healing activities you can perform to heal and activate the Ajna Chakra:

- Strengthen the energy of your Root and Throat chakra. Both are useful anchors for unlocking the energy of your third eye in powerful and balanced ways. Otherwise, we get lost in fantasy and delusion very easily. Try to practice being present with whatever arises in your daily life. 

- Explore different perspectives and viewpoints. One big problem associated with a blocked Third eye chakra is being rigid and closed-minded. To overcome this problem, try reading books, watching new programs or experimenting with activities outside of your comfort zone.

- Decalcify your pineal gland. Your pineal gland is a tiny pea-shaped mass within the brain that is linked to third eye chakra blockages. While the pineal gland is responsible for regulating our sleep cycles and reproductive hormones, it also has more mystical roots. Many ancient cultures such as the ancient Tibetan, Egyptian, and Chinese believed that the pineal gland is responsible for spiritual consciousness. To decalcify your pineal gland, try to avoid products and water sources that contain fluoride.

- Get out into the sunlight. As the element of the third eye chakra is light, you might find your mind becoming much clearer if you get outside a bit more. On a physical level, light awakens the pineal gland which improves the function of the third eye.

- Explore your limiting beliefs. One major cause of third eye malfunction is limiting core beliefs. Core beliefs are the central convictions we have about ourselves which cause us to feel fear, insecurity, and self-loathing. Common core beliefs include “I am not worth it,” “I’m a bad person,” and “I deserve to be punished.”

- Go on a psychedelic shamanic journey. Under the guidance of a trained shaman or spiritual guide, try a sacred form of plant medicine such as peyote, ayahuasca or psilocybin mushrooms. These sacred plants help to open the third eye and balance the entire energy system. Often, during these sacred trips, many great and profound truths are revealed.

- Reflect on what you think and do. Self-reflection is an important skill to develop, and it helps to increase your self-awareness. Try reflecting on your thoughts and feelings in a private journal each day. Try to dissect why you believe certain things and behave in various ways.

Third Eye Chakra Healing

- Try star-gazing and moon-gazing. Gazing into the night sky is a simple but awe-inspiring way to put everything in perspective. It tends to open the mind and help you to transcend the cage of thought.

- Become an observer of your thoughts. Try Vipassana meditation, which involves learning ways to watch your mind and observe your thoughts. The number one reason why the third eye chakra gets blocked is that we believe the thoughts in our head and therefore identify with them. When we learn how to simply observe our thoughts, we can discover that thoughts are very temporary and spontaneous: they don’t mean anything about us unless we assign them meaning.

- Practice scrying. Scrying is an ancient art of revelation. Traditionally, scrying has been portrayed through the popular image of the psychic woman gazing into he crystal ball. However, scrying can be used with bowls of water, mirrors, and other objects. Scrying is essentially a practice that helps you to develop your inner vision or “second sight.”

- Pay attention to your dreams. Your dreams are richly symbolic in nature and express your unconscious fears, desires, and needs. The third eye is responsible for helping you to interpret your dreams, so practice reflecting on them each morning. While dream dictionaries can provide some insight, see if you can discover their meaning by yourself. Often essential lessons and messages are conveyed within the dream world.

- Candle gazing. Candle gazing, also called Trataka in Hatha Yoga, is a powerful way to open your third eye by simply looking into the flame of a candle. Try to incorporate mindful breathing into this practice to stimulate energy flow within the body. Light a candle and place it three to four feet in front of you at eye level. Keep your vision focused on the flame in a gentle and natural way.

Yoga (Asana) Poses

Help bring your focus and attention to between the eyebrows with challenging balancing postures such as Bakasana (crow)  and Vrksasana (tree). Or try Anuloma Viloma (alternate nostril breathing), an excellent breathing technique for helping to calm and focus the mind. As you practice, keep the awareness on the point between the eyebrows, and if it appeals to you, imagine there is a bright light shining out from there.

Bakasana (crow)
Bakasana (crow) yoga posture
Vrksasana (tree) yoga pose
Vrksasana (tree)

First Exercise to balance your Third Eye chakra

1.      Seat down comfortably, back straight, eyes closes and breathe deeply a few times through the nose. Let go and relax.

2.     Concentrate on the Ajan chakra for a minute and then visualize it surrounded by the color indigo of an absolute purity. Keep this visualization for three minutes. Then, take a deep breath through the nose while imagining that energy is penetrating this chakra and breath out while imagining that all the impurities of this chakra are getting out. Repeat this entire process as may time as you feel it’s necessary.

3.     Once you feel that you have completed the cleaning process chant the mantra “Om” seven times.

4.    End the process by offering great gratitude toward this chakra.

First Exercise to balance your Third Eye chakra

Second Exercise to balance your Third Eye chakra

Third Exercise to balance your Third Eye chakra

1.      Lightly massage the third eye spot, the center of your forehead, with the first two fingers of your right hand.

2.     Rotate your fingers first in a counter-clockwise direction and then in a clockwise direction nine times.

3.     Visualize purple and make the sound AUM (long vowel aaaaa).

4.     You can perform this exercise three, six, or nine times daily.


Root Chakra
Root Chakra

Foundation of stability and security; connects us to the physical world.

Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra

Nurtures love, compassion, harmony, and emotional balance; connects us to unconditional love and healing.

Nasal Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Emotional center. Enhances intuition, perception, and inner guidance; brings clarity and heightened senses.

through Chakra

Throat Chakra

Communication, self-expression, truth, creativity, and the ability to speak and listen with authenticity.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

Empowers personal power, confidence, willpower, and manifestation; ignites inner strength and transformation.

Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

Intuition, perception, inner wisdom, spiritual awareness, and the ability to see beyond the physical.

Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra

Divine connection, higher consciousness, spiritual enlightenment, unity, and transcendence of the self.

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