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What are the Chakras?

Chakra means “Wheel” or “Circle” in Sanskrit. When we talk about chakras, we are referring to different gateways in the etheric layer of the subtle body, not the physical body.

The subtle body is composed of various vibrating energy layers that make up a human being beyond the physical layer (the etheric layer is the 1st layer of the subtle body) (See figure 1). As you move outwards, from the physical body to the different layers of the subtle body, each of those layers vibrate at a slightly faster vibration than the one before it. Each of these different layers of energy, including the physical body, interpenetrates the others to work as a complete system.

The seven Chakra and the Subtle body

The chakras energy centers allow you to send and receive cosmic/universal energy generally referred to as “Prana”, “Life force” or “Chi” from the environment to the Physical body.

We have several hundred energy exchange points within our energetic systems. However, the best knowns are those seven chakras which are etherically connected to the spinal column and head. The first chakra is located at the tip of the tailbone (coccyx) and the seventh at the top of the head.

The chakras act as main gateways for the life force energy to enter and navigate the physical body (via the nadis and meridians) from the subtle bodies. At the same time, those main gateways provide exit points for lower frequency energy to be released back to the subtle bodies for transmutation and then release back to the universe. A fully opened, clockwise-spinning chakra will help energy flows through the body. While a chakra, turning counterclockwise, will move the energy out of the body. Furthermore, energy will also float up and down between the different chakras.

The seven Chakra

The physical body is dependent upon this vital energy flow to maintain optimum wellbeing. As each chakra represents an aspect of your personality, character and spiritual development, working with them will directly influence your personal growth, health, and spiritual evolution.

Each chakra is linked to organs in the physical body; but also, your psychological, emotional and spiritual wellness. Colors, stones and crystals, essential oils, shape, symbols, and numbers will influence your chakra system. In addition to its other functions, each of the seven main chakras represents a level of consciousness or a developmental stage of life.

Chakras are continually opening and closing, it’s part of their nature.  If you experience something negative that sticks with you, one or more of your chakras are likely to close in response. Typically, as you release the negativity and move on, the chakras open again.   However, if a chakra becomes chronically blocked, it will eventually make you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally sick and out of balance. Chakras can become blocked by long-held negative states, rigid thought patterns, negative emotions, toxins, etc.

Chakra healing focuses on restoring balance and freeing blockages, to allow the chakras to healthily moderate your energy once again.


Root Chakra

Root Chakra

Foundation of stability and security; connects us to the physical world.

Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra

Nurtures love, compassion, harmony, and emotional balance; connects us to unconditional love and healing.

Nasal Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Emotional center. Enhances intuition, perception, and inner guidance; brings clarity and heightened senses.

through Chakra

Throat Chakra

Communication, self-expression, truth, creativity, and the ability to speak and listen with authenticity.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

Empowers personal power, confidence, willpower, and manifestation; ignites inner strength and transformation.

Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

Intuition, perception, inner wisdom, spiritual awareness, and the ability to see beyond the physical.

Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra

Divine connection, higher consciousness, spiritual enlightenment, unity, and transcendence of the self.

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